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Code of conduct resolutions

This document details how we will handle possible code of conduct violations. As with our code of conduct, we may be update this document, so please ensure you stay up-to-date with any changes.

Level 1: no further action

A level 1 resolution occurs when we conclude that there was no violation.

Alternatively, we could come to this decision if the person who violated the code of conduct has genuinely and voluntarily (i.e. without the project owner asking them to) apologised and pledged not to commit the violation again. In this case, the project owner will confirm that they have witnessed the offence and that no further action is required as the offender has already apologised. This option is at the discretion of the project owner.

Level 2: a public reprimand

We may issue a public reprimand in response to a public violation. Think of this as a warning.

If the offender becomes hostile after a public reprimand, this will escalate to a level 3 resolution. from our projects.

Level 3: a temporary ban

A level 3 resolution is a temporary ban from our repositories. Consider this to be us providing time for the offender to "cool off".

The transgressor will be banned if they have reoffended (even if from a lower-level violation).

Level 4: a permanent ban

If an offender has reoffended after being temporarily banned, we may decide to exclude them from all of our projects permanently.

A permanent ban is at the discretion of the project owner. It depends on whether we consider the offence intentional and whether the offender issued a genuine apology.

Complaints about bans

You should not file complaints about bans on any of our repositories but instead sent them to, where the project owner will promptly review it.

Adapted from the Django code of conduct and the Rust code of conduct.

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